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It all began in february 2002 - my son wished for a superb Russian Blue tomcat. Then came the she-cat, then the little ones, than another she-cat... Our cattery contains young-age cats. The main criteria by which we selected the breeding cats are:

- The quality of the individual, certified at feline expos (they all obtained the "Excelent" qualifier as juniors at expos. We alredy own a FiFe ceryified champion and according as they become older than 10 months).

- An excellent healthiness state and a solid constitution

- Harmonious relations between the individuals, because we are one big family.

- We have in the cattery many cats which were born and raised at us (so we socialized them, we know what we fed them, what vitamins they had and...we know 'em very well)

All our cats have a pedigree. Our cattery contains 3 males and 3 females. Soon we will bring one more female and male and we will keep a little girl and boy which were born at us.



Site created and maintained by Liviu Preda
© BrainStorm Romania